Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Academic hood: A dream comes true!

The hood is a part of the academic regalia. Initially, the hood was worn as a covering for the head. It is diversified in colour. The hood is also worn by clergies in the church, most especially in the Anglican Communion. It is also used by the choristers, who wear it over their cassocks. We also find the hoods among elders in the African Community.
For academic regalia, we find the hood of the bachelor and the master to be very simple. The PhD regalia differ from usual regalia that are found around; their hoods are larger and also longer than those used by other member of the education commodity. There is also a uniqueness that come with this hood, in the different colour they come in. their colours depend on their area of specialisation that there wearer specialises in. it is complex thing trying to distinguished the masters and doctors regalia based on the hood colour; the colour range from white through the various colours of the rainbow and to grey.
The Academic hoods are usually differentiated with the various colours the doctors wear. Doctors from agriculture wear hoods that are maize in colour doctor for library science wear yellow and those from medicine wear hunter green. The criteria’s of choosing this colour is unknown but can be speculated. The doctors from humanities or art used hood that are sparkling white, this perhaps could an attempt to signify the purity found in art. The beauty of these different colours can be seen in ceremonial event that the university that has doctors from various field in attendance; in theology, will find the doctors wearing hoods that are red in colour. Red, is the colour associated with the church, and for a very long time was considered as one of the traditional colour of the church. The shedding of blood that has been attributed to salvation is the part of religious that cannot be removed. Blood been red could also explain why doctors in religion use hood that are red in colour. We find among the doctors in pharmacy the use of olive green and also the use of green in medicine. Green is the colour associated to herbs, and herbs associated to healing. Since the primary aim of those in the field of medicine and pharmacy is to heal the sick and create drug that will heal diseases, it is not unusual nor out of place to find field related to this having hood that are green in colour. Golden yellow, is the colour of the hood that the science use. Scientific had been attributed greatly to wealth and golden yellow is a colour that signifies wealth, this explains why science has been favour with that colour. The colour of this hood was standardised in the 19thcentury in united state.
Every undergraduate is opportune to see this vast diversity display before their very eyes on matriculation day, and the university take so much pride in flaunting their asset [doctors] before the fresh men. For student the academic represent a future of excellence, prestige and success; and attaining this hood and this hood is considered has a dreamed come true.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Practical Guideline for Making Your Own Photo Graduation Announcements

To have a sufficiently attended ceremony making up of good number of friends, family and colleagues is the dream of many graduates, and have the opportunity of showing off your academic hoods, especially if it is doctoral regalia. It is not enough to just send an invite, there must be an additional push to ensure good attendance and one of such is to send a photo graduation announcement to your friends. It is cheap, and very convenient, and very effective. Remember the axiom that a photo discloses thousand meaning than words can ever project; besides it is a mark stays longer in ones memory. Do you want to learn how to do this? Read on.


To pull this off effectively below are some of the resources you will require, they are: photo paper, digital photo, clip art, printer, computer, word processor, and scissors.

First on your computer and open the word processor file, Microsoft word is a good alternative, set the background template using colors or clip art. A good suggestion is to select your institution color, let it rhyme with the academic tassel.

Secondly go to my pictures in your computer choose a picture, if you do not have it in the “my picture” file, you can transfer from any source and save in there, or the desktop, once you get it, copy and paste into the word template.

Insert a text box in the file and fill with necessary information like: your name, the name of your school, your course (theology, agriculture, medicine, economics etc), the venue and the date of the graduation ceremony, and any other information you might deem fit. You can as well add colors of the academic hoods normally used for graduation.

Get a duplicate of your schools symbol or logo insert and place in a striking corner of the document. The positioning of the logo is very important, as it makes your work look professional, if you are not sure of where to paste, follow how some professional company’s logo are place, then copy the pattern

Check your word, use the print preview to have a general view of your work, confirm if it is properly positioned in right angles, and the outcome of the presentation.

After the general checking you are very sure of your work, you can print out the invitation paper, not on any paper use photo paper to print the announcement to ensure that you have an excellent outcome that is clear and of high quality.

After printing out the photo, using scissors, or any paper cutter, cut it to size. Printing must be base on the number of invitees you have in mind.

What if you have many friends who incidentally are out of town at the moment and you don’t want to create an inconvenience by sending a late invite. This is what you do. After printing out the invitation paper, you can convert the file into a jpg file, using Photoshop resize it and conduct necessary editing to make it look presentable, then send by email to your out of town friends, you can even go beyond that, paste on your face book wall for your friends to see, you will be surprise at the response.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The Importance of Graduation Tassels and Caps

Tassels are very special during the graduation ceremony. The graduate feels the honor of academic success in a particular field. The tassel should be well attached to the cap so that the graduate can look fantastic. Allowing the tassel to look frail is not good because it does not coincide well with the gown.

During high school and undergraduate graduation ceremony the graduation tassel are mainly worn on the right side at the beginning. Once a graduate has been bestowed the degree or diploma the tassels are then turned to the left side. In normal graduation occasion there is a person supposed to summon the students when the time for turning the tassels. In other situations, various learning institutions choose for the student to turn the tassel immediately after a handshake when one is receiving a degree or diploma.

There are circumstances where the school prefers that students flip or turn the tassels while walking off the stage. This is mainly depends on the school tradition and whichever style the schools it always works. However, in the case where a student is receiving a Master’s Degree the tassel is not shifted from the left or right side. The academic regalia are well matched with the tassels to keep the graduates looking uniform and modest. In most other cases, the female students are not expected to remove their caps at all. On the other hand, the male students are supposed to remove their caps while the National Anthem is being sung.

A major rule that is common in graduation ceremonies is tossing of the cap. Most studies will toss graduation caps into the air once the graduation finalizes. For many schools this is a tradition that is marked with great joy. Is it possible to find your cap again? Well, the cap can be easily retrieved after this special moment by having it marked. Masking tape and magic marker can be used to write something that will help recognize the cap once the ceremony is over. The name is marked on the tape and left to dry. You can be assured of comfort because the magic maker does not wipe out when in contact with sweat. Afterwards one can remove the tape and it comes out easily. The good news is that this does not damage the cap at all.

The graduation ceremony is a formal event or a period of celebration. Many students treasure the graduation night together with the memories it brings. Well, there are those who do not care at all about the day and are eager to leave school and go on with other stuff. Students who loved school would go back even for school or class reunions. Testimonies of prestigious people are there who claim that school life was difficult for them. Others treasure memories of being class presidents or cheerleaders thus they were rather liked in school. This depends on every individual. But all in all the graduation day should be well respected because you never know how special it may turn out for you.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Become a Proud Parent: Planning for Your Child’s Preschool Graduation

Perhaps there’s no moment prouder for a parent than seeing their kids claim their diplomas from a graduation stage. Back in the days, graduation ceremonies are only held when your high school or college kid finishes school. But today, even preschool and kindergarten graduation days are celebrated.
Quick Facts about Kindergarten Graduation
Unlike high school and college graduations when your kids are a bit older, preschool and kindergarten graduations involve young kids. This means that there may be a lot of children who are anxious during their kindergarten graduation day. It pretty much signals the end of the days that they are spending with the friends they made in school – but this is something that you can counteract by telling them about the new friends that they will be able to make in their new school.
So what are the other important things that parents need to keep in mind about kindergarten graduation? In some Asian countries, kindergarten graduation ceremonies are held during the months of May or June. In the US, it is usually held within the final days of a typical school year.
Usually, schools require uniformity when it comes to the color of the gowns or robes that the kindergarten students would wear. So always ask the teacher about these requirements, so that you can choose the right one before buying graduation robes for your kids.
What Parents Need to Know when Putting Together Graduation Robes for Kindergarten Kids
Since kindergarten kids involve kids who are about five or six years old, your son or daughter can already actively participate in the process of putting together a graduation outfit. Naturally, you need to select graduation robes which are of the same color as the other students would wear. If there’s no color requirement, you might want to ask your kid to select his or her preferred hue. There are cheap graduation gowns available in online stores – the only thing that’s left for you to do is making sure that the size that you will order fits your kid.
You can also allow your child to actively participate in personalizing the graduation accessories like the cap and tassel. More importantly, you need to make sure that the clothes that your kid has on underneath the gown is cool and comfortable.
More than just putting together the graduation outfit, you need to celebrate the occasion accordingly. As young as they are, your kindergarten age kids have already reached a milestone in their education, so you can celebrate the occasion by planning a grand party or even a small family dinner.
Set a budget and use graduation tassel cut outs on the wall if you want to decorate your kitchen or your living room. Invite the most important people in your life like your child’s grandparents, and you can even ask them to bring small gifts to delight your kindergarten-age kid.
At the end of the day, kindergarten graduations can be considered as an achievement both for you as a parent and your kid – so make sure that you are celebrating this important day in style.

Finding Graduation Gown and Cap Bargains Online

Graduation requires a formal environment to match the solemnity of the occasion, and thus, colleges will require their graduates to wear college graduation gowns, caps, tassels, and other regalia.
But how is one to acquire these necessary pieces? Well, it depends on the college or university. Some will actually have a campus store that sells all the items needed for the ceremony. Others might contract suppliers from outside in order to make it easy for their students to prepare. Other colleges and universities, however, will not have this service available. Some will still help students out by giving out order forms and even taking the graduates’ measurements so that they will know just what sizes of gown, cap, etc. to look for. However, there are other institutions that will leave the graduates completely on their own. If you find yourself in this situation, then here are some useful tips to help you find academic robes and hoods:
Go Online
The place to get cheap items is on the Internet. Why? Because online stores don’t have to pay rental, construction and maintenance fees, and employee wages just to keep their business running. This means a drastically reduced overhead cost of doing business, which translates to them being able to offer more competitive prices, which is good for you!
The Pros of Buying from Online Stores
As mentioned above, the first advantage of buying through the Internet is that you get significantly cheaper items. The second advantage is convenience. You can search through as many online stores as you want without ever having to leave you room. (Incidentally, you really should check out as many stores as possible, just to make sure that when you make your final choice, you really are getting the best deal possible.) Plus, you can do your canvassing on your own time. No more rushing to the mall just because you have to get there before the store closes, or you have to get back to the campus before class starts, etc.
The Cons of Buying Online
Every option has its cons, and the problem with getting your stuff online is that you won’t get to fit it until you’ve ordered, paid for, and received the package. This means that you really have to be conscious about having your measurements right while searching for suitable academic regalia. This also means that you shouldn’t even give a second look to online stores that don’t offer the size specifications for their goods.
A Final Tip…
This may be too obvious to mention, but you’ll definitely hate yourself if you forget the first rule of graduation shopping, so here’s a short reminder: don’t forget to ask your school about their guidelines and regulations regarding what must, musn’t and can be worn to the graduation ceremonies!
If you keep all this in mind during your search, then you should have no problem finding a quality set of grad clothes at great prices.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cords for Graduation – How to Order the Your Cord Online!

Usually, the regalia and accessories have been designed o the basis of inserting the cords with tassel. These items are in use by the specific to intellectual readers and societies that have recognized for academic function. Mostly that wears with cap & gown and at times with hood in the academic ceremonies or functions as like, the high school and university degree candidates. They are worn more than single cord at the same time. Also, there are different colors of the Honors Cord and they are red, black, gold, white, silver, old gold, cardinal, brown, navy blue, copper, purple, light blue, lilac, drab, maroon, maize, as well as forest, orange, pink. The honor cords are available in the double and triple color combinations. Honors Cord and Recognition cords comprise of the pair of cords and cords are all intertwined at collar, thus 2 cords drape downward on every side.
The graduation robes can be added for the gown with the help of a tie to keep them together. This sort of task cannot be accomplished without the existence of graduation gown with tassels. You can purchase the honor cords for graduation ceremony in many ways. Total length of cords is around 60 inches and it has four inches tassels at an end. One of accessible colors of cords is black and Black Honor cord comprises of 2 twisted cords. Also, there is the tassel in every end. So total tassel is 4 and as cords are intertwined at a color, so half length of cords is over 30 inches. Tassels of black honor cord are four inches and it is ready form the rayon. Real use of the black Honors Cord is at time of commencing ceremonies. Also, used above all for the credit, character realization, as well as indicate of attachment and contribution. Also, there are many honor society, which uses the black cords for the University and college graduations.
However buying these cords from the online vendors and companies can offer you better results. These companies have now introduced different types of cords. The readers who wish to buy the cheap graduation gown online should create their procurement through the Internet. You cannot implant this method efficiently, while you don’t have any online connection or search out the best attires from the online media. There are a few things that you need to take into consideration while looking for right kind of cords for graduation ceremony. You will have to wear the gown and the cords during that day and that needs to be perfect enough on the use. So, this time opt for the online market and get the best deal.

Academic Hoods – Know its Specification!

If you are moving to choose the right one then you should move for the online market to know the specification to select the best one that you desired in the graduation party. There are so many things which are needed in the selecting time for the party so that you can move for the Internet to drawing the information which is indicates the right academic hoods to wearing these in the graduation party. Even, you are facing some problem to choose the academic hoods that time you need to move for contact us pages to contact the service provider to know the rules to choose the best one for your party so these providers can help you select the gown or cap that you desired in the graduation party. In this regard, the cap and gown for sale through the online market for making the hoods beautiful so that you can purchase both things for which admire can make you remark throughout the graduation ceremonies. These are very important things that you need to know for drawing the best things for using in the graduation ceremonies. These types of hoods can be sold in different color with different shapes for making you graduation ceremonies.

Proper Placement of Graduation Tassels

Learning institutions give honors to students who successfully completed a degree requirement. Graduation ceremonies are formed and celebrated for this occasion and each school or learning institution has their own unique customs and traditions to follow where it includes wearing a cap, a gown plus a tassel to classify a degree earned by a student.


The square cap which is stiff is worn nowadays by all graduating students in a learning school. The wearing of cap became popular in England at the Oxford University in the16th century where it was first developed. The square appearance of the cap resembles a book. The original gowns for graduation being worn started off to suggest the color which is linked with the kind of the degree acquired. Colors are usually chosen to match the school’s colors, this often times happen as the choice of colors is definitely subjective. Fabrics used for caps should match the fabric of the gowns; possible choices of fabrics are cotton poplin, silk or rayon, and broadcloth. As for the doctorate degrees, the suggested material to be used is velvet. Tassels are also developed to determine the kind of degree obtained and acts as a representation of achievement in the school during the ceremony.Common things that can be on a graduation memorabilia are the graduation year, the schools’ name and school colors.